Sunday, June 7, 2009

Happy Birthday, Opie Morales!

Opie is celebrating his fourth birthday today! We had baked chicken breast and mashed potates with ice cream for dessert for a special meal. He was so willing to pose for pictures on the fact, he didn't want to stop posing!!!! We will be going to Reynosa next week so he can see his Dad, Carolino and his sister, Carola, our friends, Lupita, Mariela, Melissa and their lab, Galileo, and of course Opie's favorite vet!!!

Opie is such a joy to have around as company. He is so faithful and often very comical. He entertains me a lot! He has never chewed on shoes or been destructive in the house. ....well, he did get into toilet paper, tore it in little bits, rolled in it and looked like a backwards Dalmation....little with white spots on a black coat! And between Opie and his Mom Maxie (who we still miss a lot), they chewed up several quilts and pillows. Oh, yes, and once, after I had given him a bath, he got into the dirt around the rosebushes. I had just watered them. He came out of that experience with spiked hair! I was really disgusted with him....or it would have been hilarious.

So, happy birthday, Opie!!!!! I want to have you with me for a long, long time!!!!

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