Wednesday, June 17, 2009

...pretty stressed.......

Well, I am less than one week from leaving on a trip to Illinois/Wisconsin....and there is so much to do!! We are having a church baskets for Fathers´ Day. I am making chocolate peanut clusters today and we put the baskets together on Friday morning. We are planning a special Fathers' Day service including a dinner--I am baking cakes for that. And, of course, I have to plan for the service. Then, I still have a scrapbook to finish up for a door prize for our Roen family reunion...and the new address books to finish printing and stapling. I have to get all the food, etc ready for the cats and dogs, show the girls who are cat-sitting what they need to do, and get Chiquita to the kennel. Of course, I have to pack....and I always take lots and lots of stuff with me--don't know why. LOL! And, I have to work in the yard some more, clean the back porch, and clean the house. I have 5 1/2 days to get all that done. Yes, I am feeling pretty stressed right now! The one good thing is that I will get it done.....I always do!

1 comment:

Tracie Smith said...

Stressed backwards is eat some and you'll feel better! lol You made me tired just reading..I need a dessert, too! lol