Sunday, June 21, 2009

So Proud!

I´m so proud of the men in my church! Really! We had a terrific service today! And, it was FUN! Three of them shared the sermon time....with short messages. They did such a good job. We were all blessed and there was meat in the messages, especially for the fathers. I am so excited when I see leaders emerging from the congregation. I know that if we have several strong leaders in the church, the future of the church is secure. We laughed a lot too and we need to do that in the church family just as we need to cry together. We had two first time visitors, two visitors returning for the second time and one man who used to come regularly but hasn't been in church now for years. I am thankful for every visitor we have....and super excited as they start coming back! Thank God for meeting with us one more time in a unique and blessed way!

1 comment:

Tracie Smith said...

I love 'group' participation. It's neat to find new talent in a congregation!