Monday, May 25, 2009

A Storm and A Peach

Last night, we had a terrible storm.....thunder/lightning/WIND/rain/lots of rain and some hail. The wind made a big mess of our yard and the rain made it look like the aftermath of a hurricane. I had damage to the roof of my laundry room and the cover for the water heater vent flew off. That means that we had water in the laundry room and I had to turn the water heater off. The cats and Chiquita outside on the covered porch got wet.....water ran across the floor of the porch and some blew in through the screen windows. The street was flooded from curb to curb for a couple of hours.And we had no electricity for about 2 hours. Generally speaking, it was a mess.

About 3 a.m., I went out on the porch and could see a clear sky and lots of twinkling stars. How quickly the storm passes! How easily we can forget it fury!

And, this morning as I looked out at a messy yard, I saw a brave peach hanging on my little peach tree. A blessing of FRUIT after the STORM. May that be true of our spiritual lives as well. When the storms of life pass, may they leave behind precious fruit.

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