The Dedication of our new Sanctuary finally arrived! We had wonderful weather. There were 76 people celebrathing with us! Our own church musicians, Ropin' the Faith, played so well....just as always! Bro. Alberto Salazar gave a welcome and a few comments about the history of the church. I have been the pastor for 17 years of ups and downs but this is actually the 20th anniversary of the church. We will celebrate that in September as we usually have a "Reunion" Sunday around Labor Day! Pastor Lucio Gutierrez ministered a good word to us and prayed for more growth in the church. And, Bro. David Salazar prayed the prayer of dedication. Bro David is the youngest son of the founding members of the church. Then we enjoyed visiting together and having cake and punch! It was a great day of celebration! (Now I am looking forward to the day when we have 100 people in a service!) Thank you so much to all of you who worked and helped to make this a great day of celebration....those who donated, encouraged, worked, planned......everyone deserves a big thank you!!!
Let's Put Down Our Measuring Sticks
12 years ago