Monday, November 16, 2009

Our New Sanctuary is in Use

How exciting it was to come back to our church yesterday and find the new sanctuary ready for our service. Of course, we have only plywood floors which are noisy and there is no interior decorating finished yet. We need to add the drums to the platform also....and then the platform will be full!!! The church family worked so hard to make everything look just great and to get the work done while I was gone. This time, it was not such a big surprise as I knew we had someone working on changing the doors, putting up the sheetrock and painting. I didn't know that the ceiling fans/lights and the chandelier would be up and the pews already moved. I thought we would wait to use the building for the first time on Dec. 20th for our Christmas program and dinner....but since everything was ready, no one could wait. Now it will be ready for our Ladies Christmas Fellowship too. It seems like a dream that we could actually do all of this with very little to pay off! God has been really good to us and we are most thankful!!!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

October and November in Illinois

What a trip I had to Illinois this time! It would take so long to write all the things that happened so I am just going to make a list!

Van trouble in Little Rock, Arkansas

A ride in an Arkansas State Trooper's vehicle, lights flashing

A ride in a three steps up cab of a tow truck

A long stay in a motel in Little Rock

Sunday dinner at Stockholm Inn, a family favorite Swedish restaurant

Shopping and Chinese and girl talk with my sister Jan

Shopping and walking at Sinnissippi Park and eating out at Taco Bell and Beef-A-Roo with my brother David

Sunday dinner at my sister's....really good food and fellowship

A trip to Batavia to see my Aunt Shirley (and the cast on her foot!)

Trips to the Apple Orchard with David

Ice Cream at Culvers with John and Shirley Davis

Bible study and goodies at Al and Gladys Damrose's

A weekend trip to Iowa to visit my brother Jon, his wife Gwen, Allen & Anne and Allison. Lots of good visiting and good food. Trips around town. Attending their church on Sunday. Oh, yes, Oscar the cat and Lucy the granddog were there too.

Opie had to go to jail for four nights (the kennel) but was greatly spoiled the rest of the time!!

A visit with Gaylord and Peggy (my cousin and family)!

Baking and cooking at Mom's! I love doing it!!

Long talks around the kitchen table!!!

It was a great time........and now we are looking forward to next year!!!!